Thursday, September 9, 2010


Let's go straight to the point, Interpol is one of my top favorite bands of all time without change without hesitation.  My top 5 changes all the time, but honestly Interpol has never ceased to be in the top since I was about hmmmmm 14 so I have a good 7 years being completely in love with this band.  Their music is so beautifully artistic.  There songs are magic manifested into notes, bass guitars, drum kits, and pure passion.  Which means I don't want to review their newest album because I respect music too much to judge it because everyone has their own taste.  What I can say is their new album is good but not their best, but there are definitely some stand out songs.  My favorite is 'Always Malaise (The Man I Am)', I also really enjoy 'Lights', 'Success', 'Memory Serves', and 'The Undoing' (yay for the use of Spanish).  I have noticed through my years of loving them that I love their extremely depressing overly melodic songs where Paul Banks' voice just resonates throughout your spine. My favorite songs by them are 'Stella Was a Diver and She Was Always Down', 'Leif Erikson', 'Take You on a Cruise', 'NARC', 'Public Pervert', and 'Pioneer to the Falls' and now add 'Always Malaise (The Man I Am)' to it, and you get a playlist with very depressing, stark, somber backgrounds with very obtuse and abstract lyrics.  And ya know what?  This is the music that made me love them.  Yes of course, I love their more upbeat music like 'Slow Hands', 'Evil', and 'Roland' as well but that was not their initial appeal to me.  I related to their music so much and still do but in a more constructive non-overly depressed way, I just chill and reflect while listening to them. Plus, they are refreshing change from the terrible music played on the radio today and they dress SUPER well.   Interpol is one of the best bands ever, I truly love them and always will. 

P.S. I hope to see them in concert in November, I am going to buy myself tickets as a present after I finish my Fulbright Application.  I just hope they are not sold out by then.


  1. Yeap, more or less i have to agree with you. nice blog btw i loved the posts with the quotes in it!
