Monday, August 30, 2010

"In Rome...

I first found myself; for the first time I achieved inner harmony."

I feel like reminiscing about the summer since classes started today, blah, for my last semester as an undergraduate ever! Ok so.. I spent 2 months in Rome this summer, and it was most definitely the best experience of life so far.  The city itself was wonderful.  All the history, mythology, culture it was just eye-opening and incredible experience.  But that was definitely was not the most important and influential part of my time in Rome.  The people I met in Rome have truly helped me change for the better and begin the path to finding peace within myself.  I have grown up so much and everyone around can see changes in me, changes that needed to come.  I have finally become comfortable with being me, and I want to thank everyone who I met in Rome, each person played a vital role in this transformation.  Not only did I change but have met some of the best friends I have ever met especially Maria Guillermo and Alessandra Bonetti without them I would not finally feel comfortable being me and I would still be afraid to let go and just go with the flow.  You too are both amazing people, and I feel privileged to know and be friends with such amazing people.  Also you both helped me let loose and not be afraid of having an absolute blast.  All the fun times we had, all the good and bad meant the world to me and helped change me so much!!!  Thank you so much for being awesome and being there for me when no one else was.  Love you all!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Dana,
    I think everyone has been lerning this summer so thanks to you too. I hope see you guys soon.
